Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Swinging the baby to sleep

It has been known for ages, that motion helps a baby fall asleep. As a grandmother-to-be, I started my search for baby gadgets with a baby swing!

My BabyThen children use to swing in an old hand me down swing. It had one huge seat, that you strapped the baby into with a little belt. Then you turned the crank for as many cranks as possible. The little swing would then start rocking back and forth like a crazed pendulum . It was not a nice gentle baby rock. It did not simulate the arms of a new mom or dad. It was not soft and cozy. Instead, I am sure that is why my children use to throw up constantly after several minutes of super charged rocking.
Here is a picture on one that was similar to ours. You can see the handle up near the top that you cranked.Ours did not have the fancy pancy toy hooked on the front of it.

Once I had the baby "cranked" I could run and try to brown some hamburger, or warm the baby food. I think the cranking only gave you about 10 minutes of time, so I had to be quicker than a fox.

Last night, I was looking up baby swings for BabyNow. Here is a swing that received very high praise from parents.

Fisher-Price Butterfly Cradle Freestanding Swing

Pluses of the swing: It has a head support. Much better than my childrens' heads flinging around with no protection.The movements can go side-to-side or front to back giving your baby different ways to be comforted.
The swing has built in music. It also has moving lights and toys. Its like a Vegas show for babies!
Finally, the swing folds up for storage.
All in all, the swing was rated 4.5 stars by 1283 satisfied parents.
So, when you can't hold  BabyNow in your tender arms, a swing should be on your list of purchases.
There's only one problem: You still have to run like a fox to get your little chore done.
Negatives of the swing: Mom and dad's arms are always better than a swing! Besides, swings can't kiss BabyNow.